Healthy Living Shopping Tour - Castle Hill

November 4, 2018


Do you want a practical way to learn about what to eat for health and vitality?

Are you confused by the misleading marketing of products in your local supermarket?

Want to know how to read food labels properly?

Perhaps you want healthier substitutions for all your favourite foods?

Join Holistic Health Coach Desiree Taylor as she helps you arm yourself with the knowledge and tools you need to live a healthier, happier life & navigate your way around your major supermarket and health store!

This 75min "Shopping Tour" will leave you with a better understanding of;
+ How to read labels.
+ Misleading products, when you think you are doing the right thing.
+ Is the health food aisle really healthy?
+ The healing power of certain vegetables & foods.
+ What a healthy grocery list should look like.
+ "Cheat" foods that won't cost you your health.
+ Healthy alternatives for a quick swap into your daily diet.
+ Superfoods that add a power punch to your meals.

+ Free 30min "Health & Pantry Review" (via skype)
+ Healthy Essentials Shopping List
+ Live Q&A opportunities during the tour
+ Clipboard, pen & notepad to take home so you can jot down all your important notes

Tours are limited to 5 people per group, so you get a personal experience and the opportunity to interact.

Contact Event Organiser

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or need further information - / 0430 486 047.